Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Emergency Operations Center Records, 1971-1992
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Seattle (Wash.). Dept. of Administrative Services
- Title
- Emergency Operations Center Records
- Dates
- 1971-1992 (inclusive)19711992
1988-1992 (bulk)19881992 - Quantity
- 4.0 cubic feet, (10 boxes)
- Collection Number
- 0205-01
- Summary
- Administrative records from Seattle's Emergency Operations Center.
- Repository
Seattle Municipal Archives
Seattle Municipal Archives
Office of the City Clerk
City of Seattle
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2062337807
Fax: 2063869025 - Access Restrictions
Records are open to the public.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Fleets and Facilities Department (FFD) manages and maintains municipal real property and facilities, as well as overseeing the City’s vehicle fleet. FFD was created in 2001 in a reorganization of the Executive Services Department, which was itself created from a merger between the Finance Department, the Personnel Department, and the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) in 1997. DAS was created in 1980 with the merger of certain functions of the General Services Department, Building Department, Division of Motor Transportation, and Office of Management and Budget.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Records of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), an administrative apparatus designed to facilitate City government and coordination during periods of significant crisis. In the event of such a disaster, the EOC would mobilize and become the central headquarters for the Mayor's Office as well as for the heads of all City departments. The files include pertinent records from EOC, the Office of Emergency Management, the inter-departmental Disaster Management Committee, and the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), which took over management of the OEM following a 1991 reorganization. Records include subject files, organizational charts, internal and external reports, meeting agendas, informational bulletins, and correspondence from a multitude of private entities and public agencies at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels. Topics covered include administration, evaluation of past operations, emergency management procedure, planning, disaster simulation exercises, and training programs.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
[Item and date], Emergency Operations Center Records, Record Series 0205-01. Box [number], Folder [number]. Seattle Municipal Archives.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.
0205-01: Emergency Operations Center Records, 1971-1992Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Administration-
Correspondence with Office for Long-Range Planning |
1991 |
1/2 | Administration-
Correspondence with Office of Management and Budget |
1990 |
1/3 | Administration-
Correspondence with Office of Election Administration |
1991 |
1/4 | Administration-
Correspondence with Office of Intergovernmental Relations |
1990-1991 |
1/5 | Administration-
Correspondence with Parks Department |
1990-1992 |
1/6 | Administration-
Correspondence with Personnel Department |
1991-1992 |
1/7 | Emergency Management- British
Columbia |
1989-1991 |
1/8 | Emergency Management- Status
Reports |
1990-1991 |
1/9 | Operations- Activity
Logs |
1992 |
1/10 | Operations- Ash Fall Hazard
Analysis |
1980 |
1/11 | Operations- Ash Fall Hazard
Analysis |
1980-1982 |
1/12 | Operations- Damage
Assessment |
1990 |
1/13 | Operations- Disaster
Assistance Manual and Worksheets |
1989 |
1/14 | Operations- Disaster
Notification List |
1990 |
1/15 | Operations- Emergency
Broadcast System |
1978-1988 |
1/16 | Operations- Hazardous
Materials |
1988-1991 |
1/17 | Operations- Fire Department
Apparatus Inventory |
1987 |
1/18 | Operations-
Helicopters |
1977-1987 |
2/1 | Operations-
Helicopters |
1977-1981 |
2/2 | Operations- Incident
Command |
1988 |
2/3 | Operations- Infectous Waste
Spill (1/11/88) |
1988 |
2/4 | Operations- Live Aircraft
Training Mission |
1989 |
2/5 | Operations- Multi-Level
Disaster Plan |
1989 |
2/6 | Operations- Oil
Spills |
1989-1991 |
2/7 | Operations- Operational
Suggestions- Fire |
1988-1989 |
2/8 | Operations- OSCCR
Radio |
1988 |
2/9 | Operations- RADEF Instrument
Schedule |
1989-1990 |
2/10 | Operations- Radioactive
Exposure |
1979-1981 |
2/11 | Operations- Richmond Beach
Oil Spill (Chevron) |
1990 |
2/12 | Operations- Sand
Bags |
1989 |
2/13 | Operations- Seattle Housing
Authority Emergency Contact List |
1988 |
2/14 | Operations- Severe Weather
Response |
1989 |
2/15 | Operations- Soviet Satellite
Reentry |
1988 |
2/16 | Operations- Tank
Management |
1989 |
2/17 | Operations- Washington Fixed
Nuclear Facility Emergency Response Plan |
1983 |
2/18 | Operations- Washington
Warning Pole Locations |
1982 |
2/19 | Operations- 11/89 San
Francisco Trip (Earthquake) |
1989 |
2/20 | Operations- 1989 San
Francisco Earthquake |
1989 |
2/21 | Operations- 1990 Storm
Damages |
1990 |
2/22 | Planning- Armenian Earthquake
Response Conference |
1989 |
2/23 | Planning- Article 80
(Haz/Mat) |
1987-1988 |
2/24 | Planning- Audio Visual
Materials |
1989-1992 |
2/25 | Planning-
Brochures |
1990 |
2/26 | Planning- City of Seattle
Disaster Readiness and Response Plan |
1989 |
2/27 | Planning- City Safety Staff
and Industrial Insurance Users Group |
1991 |
3/1 | Planning- Correspondence with
Washington State |
1990 |
3/2 | Planning- Damage Assessment
Worksheet |
- |
3/3 | Planning- Democratic National
Convention |
1991 |
3/4 | Planning- Departmental
Internal Plan Contacts |
- |
3/5 | Planning- Disaster Assistance
Council |
1983 |
3/6 | Planning- Disaster Response
Questionnaire |
1989 |
3/7 | Planning- Earthquake
Awareness Week |
1990 |
3/8 | Planning- "Earthquake in
Washington" Training Event |
1990 |
3/9 | Planning- Earthquake
Mitigation |
1989-1991 |
3/10 | Planning- Earthquake
Planning |
1990 |
3/11 | Planning- "Elements of a
Disaster Plan" Guide |
1991 |
3/12 | Planning- Exercises-
BOMA/IRMA Workshop |
1990 |
3/13 | Planning- Exercises- Canada/
US Oil Spill |
1989-1990 |
3/14 | Planning- Exercises-
Earthquake Exercise |
1989-1990 |
3/15 | Planning- Exercises-
Earthquake Workshop Puget Sound Region |
1988-1990 |
3/16 | Planning- Exercises- Exercise
Design Team |
1987-1989 |
3/17 | Planning- Exercises- Exercise
Response 91B |
1991 |
3/18 | Planning- Exercises- General
Information |
1984-1991 |
3/19 | Planning- Exercises- Incident
Command Training |
1990 |
3/20 | Planning- Exercises- Incoming
Correspondence |
1987-1989 |
3/21 | Planning- Exercises- Incoming
Information |
1988-1991 |
3/22 | Planning- Exercises- Outgoing
Information |
1987 |
3/23 | Planning- Exercises- Puget
Sound Exercise |
1990 |
3/24 | Planning- Exercises- SeaTac
Airport |
1992 |
3/25 | Planning- Exercises-
Technological Exercise |
1989 |
3/26 | Planning- Exercises- US Coast
Guard Spill Response |
1990 |
3/27 | Planning- Exercises- 8/23/91
Exercise |
1991 |
3/28 | Planning- Exercises- 10/16/91
Exercise |
1992 |
3/29 | Planning- Hazardous Waste and
Cargo Transportation |
1989 |
4/1 | Planning- Hazardous Materials
Report to Mayor |
1979 |
4/2 | Planning- Nuclear
Reactors |
1979-1984 |
4/3 | Planning- Office of
Long-range Planning Hazardous Materials |
1989 |
4/4 | Planning- Plans and
Preparedness |
1989 |
4/5 | Planning- Plan
Updates |
1991 |
4/6 | Planning- Presentation
Materials |
- |
4/7 | Planning- Public Information
Officer Workshops |
1989 |
4/8 | Planning- Puget Sound Oil
Spill Proposal |
1989 |
4/9 | Planning- Radiological
Training |
1987 |
4/10 | Planning- School District
Earthquake Planning |
1990 |
4/11 | Planning- Seattle Hazard
Vulnerability Analysis |
1990 |
4/12 | Planning- Seismic Safety
Advisory Committee |
1992 |
4/13 | Planning- Training-
Correspondence |
1987-1991 |
4/14 | Planning- Training- Data and
Speeches |
1981-1983 |
4/15 | Planning- Training- Hazardous
Materials |
1990-1991 |
4/16 | Planning- Workshops, Red
Cross |
1991 |
5/1 | DAS- Client Services
Correspondence |
1991 |
5/2 | DAS- Correspondence with
Department of Community Development |
1984-1989 |
5/3 | DAS- Correspondence with
Department of Construction and Land Use |
1991 |
5/4 | DAS- Correspondence with
Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs |
1991 |
5/5 | DAS- Correspondence with
Engineering Department |
1989-1991 |
5/6 | DAS- Correspondence with Fire
Marshall's Office |
1988-1990 |
5/7 | DAS- Correspondence with
Office of Management and Budget |
1991-1992 |
5/8 | DAS- Correspondence with
Seattle Fire Department |
1991 |
5/9 | DAS- Customer Service
Memorandum |
1992 |
5/10 | DAS- Director's Office-
Incoming Correspondence |
1991 |
5/11 | DAS- Director's Office-
Incoming Correspondence |
1991 |
5/12 | DAS- Finance and
Administration Division- Accounting- Purchase Requests |
1991 |
5/13 | DAS- Finance and
Administration Division- Incoming Correspondence |
1991 |
5/14 | DAS- Finance and
Administration Division- Outgoing Correspondence |
1990-1991 |
5/15 | DAS- Human Services-
Correspondence |
1991 |
5/16 | DAS- Human Services- Safety
Officer Correspondence |
1991 |
5/17 | DAS- Internal Emergency
Planning |
1990-1991 |
6/1 | DAS- Outgoing
Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
6/2 | DAS- 1991 Budget
Materials |
1991-1992 |
6/3 | DAS- "'91 Goals and Beyond"
Plan |
1991 |
6/4 | Disaster Management
Committee- Agenda |
1991 |
6/5 | Disaster Management
Committee- Communications Subcommittee |
1990-1991 |
6/6 | Disaster Management
Committee- Communications Subcommittee- Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
6/7 | Disaster Management
Committee- Incoming Correspondence |
1991 |
6/8 | Disaster Management
Committee- Exercise Subcommittee- Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
6/9 | Disaster Management
Committee- Exercise Subcommittee- Exercises |
1991 |
6/10 | Disaster Management
Committee- Exercise Subcommittee- Meeting Material |
1992 |
6/11 | Disaster Management
Committee- Exercise Subcommittee- Representitives |
1990-1992 |
6/12 | Disaster Management
Committee- Hazard Analysis/Mitigation Subcommittee |
1992 |
6/13 | Disaster Management
Committee- Information |
1991-1992 |
6/14 | Disaster Management
Committee- Outgoing Correspondence |
1991 |
6/15 | Disaster Management
Committee- Outgoing Correspondence |
1991 |
7/1 | Disaster Management
Committee- Public Information Subcommittee |
1992 |
7/2 | Disaster Management
Committee- Representitives |
1991-1992 |
7/3 | Disaster Management
Committee- Resource Subcommittee |
1991 |
7/4 | Disaster Management
Committee- Resource Subcommittee- Meeting Materials |
1992 |
7/5 | Disaster Management
Committee- Shelter Subcommittee |
1991 |
7/6 | Disaster Management
Committee- Shelter Subcommittee- Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
7/7 | Disaster Management
Committee- Shelter Subcommittee- Essential Operations |
1991 |
7/8 | Disaster Management
Committee- Steering Subcommittee |
1992 |
7/9 | Disaster Management
Committee- Training/Public Education Subcommittee- Correspondence |
1992 |
7/10 | Disaster Management
Committee- Transportation Subcommittee |
1991-1992 |
7/11 | Emergency Operations Center-
Computer-Aided |
1991 |
7/12 | Emergency Operations Center-
Construction |
1991-1992 |
7/13 | Emergency Operations Center-
Correspondence |
1991 |
7/14 | Emergency Operations Center-
Improvements |
1992 |
7/15 | Emergency Operations Center-
Open House |
1990-1991 |
7/16 | Emergency Operations
Center |
1989-1991 |
7/17 | Office of Emergency
Management- Budget Request and Materials |
1990-1991 |
7/18 | Office of Emergency
Management- Budget Request and Materials |
1990-1991 |
8/1 | Office of Emergency
Management- Disaster Planning Correspondence |
1990 |
8/2 | Office of Emergency
Management- Executive Work Plan |
1991-1992 |
8/3 | Office of Emergency
Management- Final Budget and Materials |
1990-1991 |
8/4 | Office of Emergency
Management- Staff Training |
1989-1991 |
8/5 | Office of Emergency
Management- Staff Training |
1989-1991 |
8/6 | Office of Emergency
Management- Status Reports |
1991-1992 |
8/7 | Background
Materials |
1984-1992 |
8/8 | BN Railroad Yard
Project |
1971-1983 |
8/9 | City-wide Training and Safety
Officers |
1991 |
8/10 | Conferences/ Seminars/
Workshops |
1991 |
8/11 | Fire Alarm Center |
1988 |
8/12 | Fire Training- Annex
O |
1990 |
8/13 | Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program |
1990 |
8/14 | Hazardous Materials Incident
Command |
1988 |
8/15 | Hurricane Hugo |
1989 |
8/16 | Individual Assistance- Apple
Industry Alar Issue |
1989 |
8/17 | Mutual Aid Agreement Handbook
and Materials |
1989 |
8/18 | Olympic Pipeline
Plan |
- |
8/19 | Questionnaires and
Surveys |
1990-1991 |
8/20 | State DSRs |
1992 |
8/21 | State Surplus
Property |
1984-1989 |
9/1 | Boeing Volcanic Ash Fallout
Plan |
1980 |
9/2 | Carole Martens Consulting-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/3 | Chempro Pier 91 Facility
Contingency Plan |
1987-1990 |
9/4 | Clean Sound
Corporation |
1989 |
9/5 | Citizen Service Bureau-
Internal Emergency Planning |
1983-1988 |
9/6 | City Council- Internal
Emergency Planning |
1990 |
9/7 | Community Development
Department- Internal Emergency Planning |
1990 |
9/8 | David Kummerlowe (Cadre
Hazardous Materials)- Correspondence |
1987-1989 |
9/9 | Department of Construction
and Land Use- Internal Emergency Planning |
1988-1992 |
9/10 | Department of Human
Resources- Internal Emergency Planning |
1984-1990 |
9/11 | Department of Human
Resources- Survival Services |
1989-1991 |
9/12 | Department of Licenses and
Consumer Affairs- Internal Emergency Planning |
1990 |
9/13 | Engineering Department-
Internal Emergency Planning |
1990-1991 |
9/14 | Federal Government-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/15 | I Wa Sil Youth Home-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/16 | Jensen Oldani and Associates-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/17 | KIRO-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/18 | Medical Electrical Services-
Correspondence |
1988-1989 |
9/19 | Metro (King County)-
Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
9/20 | Montana Disaster and
Emergency Services- Correspondence |
1991 |
9/21 | Mothers for H.E.L.P.-
Correspondence |
1989 |
9/22 | National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences- Correspondence |
1989 |
9/23 | Natural Hazards Research and
Applications Information Center- Correspondence |
1989 |
9/24 | New Care Concepts-
Correspondence |
1988 |
9/25 | New Orleans Office of
Emergency Management |
1991 |
9/26 | Northwest Center Industries-
Correspondence |
1989 |
9/27 | Northwest Enviro Services,
Inc.- Correspondence |
1991 |
9/28 | Northwest Kidney Center-
Correspondence |
1990-1992 |
9/29 | Office of the City
Comptroller- Internal Emergency Planning |
1990 |
9/30 | Personnel
Department |
1991 |
9/31 | Pierce County Emergency
Management- Correspondence |
1989-1991 |
9/32 | Port of Seattle General
Emergency Planning Committee |
1991-1992 |
9/33 | Purchasing Department-
Correspondence |
1991 |
9/34 | Radio Emergency Associated
Communications Teams (REACT)- Correspondence |
1988-1992 |
9/35 | Red Cross-
Correspondence |
1989-1991 |
9/36 | Salvation Army-
Correspondence |
1989 |
9/37 | Seattle Area Hospital
Council- Correspondence |
1987-1988 |
9/38 | Seattle City Light- Internal
Emergency Planning |
1990-1991 |
9/39 | Seattle Community College
District- Correspondence |
1991 |
9/40 | Seattle Fire Department-
Internal Emergency Planning |
1990 |
10/1 | Seattle Fire Department-
Training Center |
1991 |
10/2 | Seattle Police Department-
Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
10/3 | Seattle Police Department-
Internal Emergency Planning |
1990 |
10/4 | Seattle Police Department-
Police Operations |
- |
10/5 | Seattle Police Department-
Training Bulletins |
1985-1986 |
10/6 | Seattle Public Library-
Correspondence |
1991 |
10/7 | Second Chance-
Correspondence |
1991 |
10/8 | State Department of Community
Development |
1991-1992 |
10/9 | Structural Engineers
Association of Washington- Correspondence |
1988-1990 |
10/10 | Survivor Industries-
Correspondence |
1991 |
10/11 | Tokyo Fire Department-
Correspondence |
1989 |
10/12 | University of Washington-
Correspondence |
1991 |
10/13 | Urban Regional Research-
Correspondence |
1988-1989 |
10/14 | Urban Search and Rescue-
Correspondence |
1991 |
10/15 | US West-
Correspondence |
1990-1992 |
10/16 | Volunteers-
Correspondence |
1987-1988 |
10/17 | Washington State Department
of Community Development- Correspondence |
1984-1991 |
10/18 | Washington State Department
of Social and Health Services- Correspondence |
1989 |
10/19 | Washington State Emergency
Management Association- Correspondence |
1991 |
10/20 | Washington State Ferries-
Correspondence |
1988 |
10/21 | Washington State Office of
the Governor- Correspondence |
1992 |
10/22 | Washington State Veterinary
Medical Association- Correspondence |
1988 |
10/23 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Claims and Coverage (RCW 38.52) |
1988 |
10/24 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Cooperative Comprehensive Agreement with FEMA |
1989-1991 |
10/25 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Earthquake Grant Applications |
1991 |
10/26 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Hazardous Materials Liability |
1988-1989 |
10/27 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Individual Mobilization Augmentee |
1987 |
10/28 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Job Announcements |
1991 |
10/29 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Lobbying |
1990 |
10/30 | Washington State Emergency
Management- Roles and Responsibilities (Org Charts) |
1988-1991 |
10/31 | Washington State Emergency
Management- State Emergency Management Directors (County and Metro
Areas) |
1991-1992 |
10/32 | Water Department-
Correspondence |
1976-1992 |
10/33 | Water Department- Internal
Emergency Planning |
1991 |
10/34 | Water Department- SARA Title
1984-1989 |
10/35 | Water Department- Tolt Dam
Emergency Notification Exercise |
1991 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Emergency drills--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Emergency management--Washington (State)--Seattle
Corporate Names
- Seattle (Wash.). Dept. of Administrative Services
- Seattle (Wash.). Office of Emergency Management
Geographical Names
- Seattle (Wash.)